Alice Kilroy (1951-2020)

Photo of Alice Kilroy

Islington Gazette 2020

Alice Kilroy was a banner maker, activist, bookkeeper, and school teacher in Islington. She was warm and friendly, and an undeniably inspirational figure. Whilst living in Upper Holloway, she worked in the national office at Stop the War and was active in its Islington group. She also attended every Grenfell Silent Walk, honoring the 72 people who died in June 2017. As well as banners, Kilroy made costumes for Notting Hill Carnival for several years. On her website, it reads:

“I made my first Banner in October 2001 and it simply said “ISLINGTON AGAINST THE WAR”.”

Kilroy continued her work right up to her death in 2020. She was an unstoppable force for good, and Islington shines much brighter having had her there.


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